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Facebook's latest features

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012 | 08.24

From the 'save to read later' button to 'recommendations bar', Facebook is going all out to woo users with new features every week. The most recent is Facebookstories.com, a new site which will showcase videos and stories of how the social networking site has made a difference in people's lives based on a monthly theme.

This month's theme, Remembering, highlights the story of Mayank Sharma from Delhi, who has been using the social networking service to remember his old life after Tubercular Meningitis erased his memories. This isn't an entirely new idea as Facebook had launched a similar Facebook Stories App in 2010, which was discontinued in 2011.

This new feature encourages users to share their stories on the site via the Submit Your Story button. It says, "Got a story about an extraordinary way that you've used Facebook? Submit it to Stories, and we may publish it in an upcoming installment."

Here's a look at the recent Facebook updates

Facebook Bookmark
Facebook has launched a new feature that allows users to save content to read later. The function will work similarly to the way that many other websites use "favourites", making a status update or status update available in a private folder called "Saved," the Telegraph reports. READ MORE

Recommendations Bar
Facebook officially launched its social Recommendations Bar, helping users stay up-to-date with the news sites their friends recommend.

The plug-in has been likened to social news sharing site Digg, only more focused on pages friends like and share. Just as how the Like button works now, when a person likes an article using the Recommendations Bar, a story is published back to their timeline and friends' news feed. FULL STORY

Social protectionFacebook is gearing up to make the user experience safer with the new Social Protection feature with McAfee. The new product will let the user control who can see photos on the site and prevents people from downloading those pictures to view elsewhere.

Facebook App Center The social networking website has now launched its application centre, titled App Center, as a move to help users find games, music services and media content easily.

They had launched the App Center in the US last month. The App Center icon is currently located on the left side of the home page. Upon clicking, users are directed to categories ranging from games, music, photos, videos and lifestyle to news, entertainment, sports, travel and tourism. Each app comes with a rating, details of how many people have played or downloaded it, and even a list of which friends are using it. READ
Events Calendar
After many years, Facebook turned its attention to the Events Calendar to ensure that the user doesn't miss a party or a birthday.

The social networking site launched the Events Calendar so that the user can check out the upcoming events in advance. It has also added a List view that highlights each day's birthdays and RSVPs.

Gay wedding iconsFacebook has now made it simple to announce same-sex marriages on the social networking site by rolling out two new icons analogous to the ones heterosexual couples have long used. Facebook has offered two timeline icons that show two little grooms and two little brides, to represent gay marriage. MORE

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